Saturday, December 06, 2008
My goodness
Well, Tippen is a healthy boy. On Thursday he got circumcised and was just a few ounces away from 11 pounds. He's 5 weeks old as of Friday. We felt bad for him on Thursday but we agreed it was for his best. He's doing good, it is one thing that shows the big difference between boys and girls. The girls were alot easier in the beginning, less spit up and diaper changes were easier I feel. So, our house can be quite busy and alot of the time quite loud. Mommy is tired alot of the it sounds quite silly at times. Well I should go for now, I hope to have time next time to post pictures. ~Katy
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Here are Pictures of Little boy and happy family.
Sorry its upside down, the start is on the bottom of this post and then work your way up to finish. Will do better next time, when I have more sleep. Love Katy

Sophia, she's not too into him like Florence but he's growing on her, gotta get more pictures now so there will be more later.

And she wants to feed him too, a little mommy.

Florence finally gets to hold him.

Our little old man.

Mommy can't wait to see her little boy.

Looks good.

Getting checked out.
Sophia, she's not too into him like Florence but he's growing on her, gotta get more pictures now so there will be more later.
And she wants to feed him too, a little mommy.
Florence finally gets to hold him.
Our little old man.
Mommy can't wait to see her little boy.
Looks good.
Getting checked out.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
He's here!!!!
I'll have pictures downloaded later, you can go to and look at the web nursery pictures. 10/31/08 and Katy B is what you look for.
Tippen Andrew Bruns:
was born Friday October 31st at 7:50 am,
weighed 7lbs 10oz and 20.5 inches long,
lots of dark brown hair.
He has quite the cry, his sisters love him, well Florence does. Sophia looks at him and sometimes you think she might clue in to him but Florence she's jumped right in holding him and trying to feed him, always trying to kiss him.
We have been Blesses for sure.
I'm healing up and moving around, hopefully I'll speed up in a couple of days and be able to help out more. Getting real sleepy Should go for now, next time there will be pictures. ~Love Katy
Tippen Andrew Bruns:
was born Friday October 31st at 7:50 am,
weighed 7lbs 10oz and 20.5 inches long,
lots of dark brown hair.
He has quite the cry, his sisters love him, well Florence does. Sophia looks at him and sometimes you think she might clue in to him but Florence she's jumped right in holding him and trying to feed him, always trying to kiss him.
We have been Blesses for sure.
I'm healing up and moving around, hopefully I'll speed up in a couple of days and be able to help out more. Getting real sleepy Should go for now, next time there will be pictures. ~Love Katy
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Monday, September 08, 2008
promise of an update with pictures
Its been real busy or I have been real tired so that's why no update in a while. Brent did download pictures on the computer so I just need to get busy. Its real hard when the girls are awake because they like to push the keys and in return mess the blog I'm doing up. Sophia just turned 1 year August 24th and we had a birthday party for her, she is doing so much in the new house and its only a matter of time before she is walking around, without holding on to stuff. Hopefully before the baby comes. The baby will be here Lord willing on October 31st, its a Friday and I know we can get more help on weekends. I thought it would be nice for Brent to name this baby since I was the who got stuck on the girls names, he did help with them. With this one being a boy (good chances) I feel its appropriate. We'll let the name be a surprise for some since we took all the other surprise out of it. Well the girls are getting ready to eat so I better go but hopefully tomorrow I can finish updating you all.
Friday, June 27, 2008
This picture was taken 6 weeks ago so there is green grass now. Its a 4 bedroom 2bathroom and a rearload garage. We did our own electrical so it has nicer features than normal and the friend who (really did the electircal) set the house up to feel like a home. After we move I'll have more pictures for you. We can now have visitors though :)
We've finally closed on our house.
It only took 6 weeks to build and then the hard part was another 6 weeks to close (government loans take awhile) But today we can finally start the process of moving. Yah, the small amount of space and the hormones (they are reallll bad with this pregnancy, I turn real ugly real fast). So the 6 weeks waiting to close was not a pretty sight, thats why no blogs. But soon we will be in our own house, from around roughly 3-600 sqft feet a single car garage turned into room to 1800 sqft. I'll get a picture posted asap too. Hopefully in a few minutes.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Update with photos.
She is a pretty happy baby.
She loves to eat and get messy
Sophia just looks so cute here.
Florence playing in th mirror
Playing peek a boo with sissy on the bed
And the little mommy feeding her monkey baby (a toy :)
Well, I am tired all the time, even before we took the pregnancy test Brent would say your probably pregnant because your so tired all the time and tremendously moody. We are bearing threw it and so far I haven't got sick, just nauseiated all the time, but I can live with that as long as the food stays down. I can't wait till we can move into our new house, a couple of months though. Well I'm going to get some sleep now will put more pictures on later when I can. Love, Katy
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Well its been quite a winter :) we've been looking around to get into our own place. And we have decided to buy new. We are having a house built :) and it will be big enough for us to grow in. We are still trying to let it sink in that we are growing yet again in size. The end of October, beginning of November we will have another baby. The water over here has been quite fertile you could say, the Birthing Center ha been real busy the last 3 years. Well the girls are fussy gotta go. Congrats to Ester and I hope that the baby round starts again for all of us (Melissa and your friends too). Talk to you all Later, Love Katy.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Running and sleeping
Sophia is growing so fast 5 months now and atleast 18 pounds. She loves food and constant attention. Florence runs nonstop and only sleeps when you force her to. Some days I get lucky they both sleep at the same time. Sophia does not tolerate me working very well. Daddy has a bad day when mommy goes to work for twelve hours. We also got alot of snow the last couple of days when my hands free up and I don't have to type one handed I'll share some awsome pictures. more later ~Katy 1peter 2:21
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