Saturday, July 14, 2007

one year already

Mommy had to start it but I got the idea down real fast.

So many phones and cameras pointed at me.

Why is everyone singing, its real loud.

Mommy can't believe that she didn't do a post for my year. Here are the pictures from that.

I sure am growing fast

Here I am having fun at a family get together.
There he is catching for the team.

Watching my daddy play softball with the church team.

Sleeping in the car, so cute when I'm sleeping.

Heres a most recent family picture.

Its been awhile since my last post, my mommy's tummy is growing right on schedule with the baby, which moves around all day. She sleeps alot it seems but she is very tired , the baby and I take alot of energy from mommy. I like to run and think it is funny even if no one runns after me. My daddy though is getting real thin. He has had a few surgeries this year and has lost about 90 or more pounds. He is feeling alot better and looking real good. My sister should be born August 28th. By repeat c-section. By the pictures you will see that I am a big girl so I wasn't able to come out normal. Big babies run in our family so this might be bigger than myself. Here are some pictures for you to look at.